IC Mechanical’s attention to detail and ability to communicate led to a flawless inspection. The inspector walked into the front door, spun around 360 degrees, and said, “This is clean work. You guys know what you’re doing. Show me where to sign the plans, you pass.” Executed flawlessly.

At IC Mechanical, quality is everyone’s responsibility. From education to quality reports to follow-up meetings, our people make the pursuit of quality and expertise their personal mission. To offer our customers the full spectrum of quality throughout the installation, we deploy teams consisting of inspectors, supervisors, and foremen who cultivate relationships with our customers to guarantee success.
Better installations. Built in.
Focus on quality.
Part of what has helped us maintain our reputation for quality is our total quality management process that includes the use of:
- Elevated installation standards
- Safety inspections
- Scorecards
- Weekly quality assurance review with field staff
A complete partner.
In the spirit of being a complete partner, we strive to be a sole source provider. Our commitment to creating value and improving every part of our customer’s business results in:
- Safe work environments
- Ease of reaching business objectives
- True accountability to the work and relationships
- Better work completed on schedule
- Projects delivered within budget