IC Mechanical’s attention to detail and ability to communicate led to a flawless inspection. The inspector walked into the front door, spun around 360 degrees, and said, “This is clean work. You guys know what you’re doing. Show me where to sign the plans, you pass.” Executed flawlessly.

Total Quality Management
Established in 1995, IC Mechanical is a mechanical contracting firm specializing in industrial and commercial HVAC total solutions. IC Mechanical provides the technical, consultative, and managerial expertise to assist our clients in taking their projects from concept to reality.
At IC Mechanical, quality is everyone’s responsibility. From education to quality reports to follow-up meetings, our people make the pursuit of quality and expertise their mission. It is what contributes to our well-defined culture and engaged workforce. Through our internal training, Executive Development Program, and company quality initiatives, we bring the quality needed to create highly functioning properties that provide optimum experiences for its entire lifecycle. To offer our customers the full spectrum of quality, we deploy teams consisting of inspectors, supervisors, and foremen who cultivate interpersonal relationships with customers to guarantee success.
Better. Built in.
Elevated installation standards
Safety inspections
Quality-focused newsletter articles
Weekly quality assurance review
Our “Lessons Learned” Assessment